An Analysis Of Purchase Decisions On Customer Satisfaction Through Customer-Based Brand Equity And Product Innovation: Concequences For Air Conditioner Panasonic In Medan

  • Bambang Suwarno Faculty of Social Sains, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi North Sumatra 20122, Indonesia.
Keywords: Product Innovation, Customer-Based Brand Equity, Purchase Decision, Consumer Satisfaction


The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of customer-based brand equity (CBBE) and product innovation on consumer satisfaction through purchasing decisions of Panasonic air conditioners in Medan. The research uses quantitative methods with a causal associative research approach. The population is the buyer of Panasonic air conditioners in the city of Medan. The research sample used purposive sampling technique. 100 respondents were obtained with the Slovin technique. Data collection techniques with questionnaires and interviews to be tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis with SEM-PLS. The results showed a significant positive effect for all research variables. CBBE on Customer Satisfaction 0.180 and P-Values ​​0.013, CBBE on Purchase Decision 0.230 and P-Values ​​0.008, Product Innovation on Customer Satisfaction 0.588 and P-Values ​​0.000, Product Innovation on Purchase Decision 0.365 and P-Value 0.000, Purchase Decision on Satisfaction Consumers 0.642 and P-Values ​​0.000, Product Innovation on Consumer Satisfaction through Purchase Decisions 0.084 and P-Values ​​0.016 and CBBE on Consumer Satisfaction through Purchase Decisions 0.148 and P-Values ​​0.008. The reaserch findings reveal that customers emotionally react to the product they want to buy, whether they are satisfied or not and this is very important for customer-based brand equity. The products offered related to their innovations influence the purchasing decisions of customers. And there is a significant relationship in handling customer complaints properly and correctly to the level of customer-based brand equity which will create a high level of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.


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How to Cite
Suwarno, B. (2022). An Analysis Of Purchase Decisions On Customer Satisfaction Through Customer-Based Brand Equity And Product Innovation: Concequences For Air Conditioner Panasonic In Medan. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 3(3), 605-620.